10 Jun 2016
3 mins read

Biolicious - 3rd Biology Educational Day a new interactive way of learning

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The event theme was ‘When Health Meets Delicious’ and the competition served as a platform for students to apply their knowledge that they have learned in the class.


Biolicious - 3rd Biology Educational Day a new interactive way of learning.

Center for Foundation Studies (Biology Unit) recently held its 3rd Biology Educational Day 2015/ 2016 at CUCMS lobby with an aim to provide students with knowledge on the basic human anatomy and physiology that are related to medical diseases. This effort is to furnish students with an exposure to a new interactive way of learning that emphasizes on innovation and creative thinking.

The event theme was ‘When Health Meets Delicious’ and the competition served as a platform for students to apply their knowledge that they have learned in the class. Mr Eric Tang, Biology Coordinator at CUCMS said, “These students were able to develop valuable written and oral communication skills through designing and presenting posters, as well as explaining their findings to others.”

There were eight groups in the competition and participants were assigned to prepare a mini thesis and design an evidence based poster to summarize the findings. The winners were:

  • 1st Prize: Group Pocoyo (Project title: Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism)
  • 2nd Prize: Group Wallstreet (Project Title: Coronary Disease)
  • 3rd Prize: Group Lady's Choice (Project Title: Diabetes Melitus)


Aside to that, each group had to prepare five types of local and international food that help increase consumers’ health standard. In total, there were 40 different types of healthy food sold at the 3rd Biology Educational Day 2015/2016.


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